Free YT to MP3 Converter


If you see a good music video on YT that is three hours long, but you only want to download the audio directly instead of the video image. What should you do? What do you do when you see your favorite song, inspiring speech, or funny stand-up comedy clip on YT and want to save it? You can choose YT to mp3 converter file for easy storage. There are many conversion methods.

The following will introduce a very easy and fast method. By installing the VidMate video software - a free YT video converter to MP3, you can watch and download YT videos at will. You can also download MP3, M4A audio or MP4 videos with different definitions from 144p to 1080p HD according to your personal preference.

VidMate -Free YT to MP3 Converter

Step 1:

Click on the button below and install VidMate APP

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Copy the video link which you want to download


Paste the website into the VidMate conversion software. Open the newly downloaded VidMate video software and paste the website into the search bar above. Right-click the mouse and select the “Paste” button.


Choose a download format. The VidMate conversion software usually provides you with several download options. The higher the quality, the larger the file and the more hard disk space it takes up. Of course, this also means the audio sounds better.


Provide an appropriate name for the downloaded document. The VidMate conversion software automatically adds song and video information, such as video name, singer, song name, album and release date. Check before clicking the "Download" or "Convert" button to make sure the information is accurate.


Download files. After selecting the video file, quality and location to convert, you can start downloading the video. Unless you want to download a video that is longer than a regular song, like an hour of speech, the entire download process shouldn't take more than a few minutes.

Download VidMate Here

If you feel uncomfortable copying the video address from YT, you can also download the VidMate video software directly. VidMate also has a dedicated YT video entry. When you click download and select the MP3 format, the video will automatically be converted to an audio file. This YT to mp3 converter is available to download for free from the official site.

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